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4 product(s) found for "Energetix 顺势疗法方"
Spring Breeze 保肝
Spring Breeze 保肝
顺势疗法的纯中药配方 --- 保肝方 Bai Shao (White Peony) Traditionally used in Chinese Medicine to calm and curb the liver yang and alleviate pain from disharmo-ny between the liver and spleen. Used to soften and comfort the liver, stop painful spasms in the abdomen, stop cramping pain or spasms in the hands...
Kidney tone 保肾
Kidney tone 保肾
顺势疗法保肾方 本产品是不含麸质 Agrimonia eupatoria 3X Compromised detox pathways. Cantharis 12X Acute infammation of the mucosa, the urinary organs, the reproductive organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin with formation of blisters; effusions in cavities of the body. Echinacea angustifolia 1X Adjuvant therapy...
口服 每日2次 每次30滴 或遵医嘱 刺激体内毒素的排泄 防止它们被转运和吸收 Dosage:30 drops orally twice daily, or as directed Drainage remedies stimulate the excretion of toxins and prevent them from being translocated and reabsorbed. The word Tone is used to identify these remedies. The Energetix Drainage-Tone is one of the Drainage...
Rising Mist 小肠方
Rising Mist 小肠方
用法 10-30滴 每天两次 喝水服用 孩子从4滴开始 每天一次 后可以到8滴 10-30 drops orally twice daily in a glass of warm water, or as directed. Chi Shao Yao (Red peony) Used in TCM to invigorate the blood and dispel blood stasis. Clears heat and cools the blood. Clears Liver free for red, swollen and painful eyes. ...